Social Media, Family, & Genealogy

Social media is a technological way to connect with others via blogs, family web sites, Facebook and Twitter.
Oh yes, I get some of my information from social media.  If a family member posts a birth, wedding, graduation, or other genealogical news worthy event, I will make a note in my personal software program. (Of course the information remains private, but I  still have a documented record of the event.)  I have enjoyed watching the families of my cousins, nieces and nephews grow as they post pictures and updates on their Facebook accounts.

Currently, my aunt M is in living in Peru.  Facebook has given me a view into her life down there allowing me, other family members, and friends a chance to see her travels and find out how she is doing.  I love reading her accounts of daily life and her stories.

Currently, email and Facebook have allowed me to coordinate research efforts, and keep in touch with family members.  So, dear readers, if your on Facebook, "friend" me!

 Can you imagine us living in such an instant age where we can see photographs from another country as soon as they are posted, compared to our ancestors, who used to receive family news by the newest and greatest invention--snail mail!??!

I am hoping that in the future, you and I will be able to correspond and coordinate our research together using "real" time blogging as a research log.  Wouldn't that be great to have a current running research log available to all Roberts family members?  Maybe in the future.


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