RootsTech 2012

Jay Verkler, past president & CEO of FamilySearch, gave the keynote speach on Thursday. Mr. Verkler spoke about the transformations that family history has made and the improvements it still needs to make. Mr. Verkler was inspiring and helped envision futuristic "Jetson" type research and recording of genealogy!

Very exciting!

I also attended an informative class by Kory Meyerink titled, "Effective Database Search Tactis." This class was pretty advanced for me, but I know it will help me in my database searches. Mr. Meyerink discussed advanced searching techniques, such as truncation, keyword searches, fielded data, proximity, phrase, fielded, and finally wild word searching. I'll have to write more about this later!

The last class I took was "Galaxy Girls--Three Genealogists & Their Android Tablets". This class listed the types of applications available and what their favorites were. I was hoping for more information about their specific research situations, but that was not discussed.

For the evening, I went to the show with comedians, Steve S. and Ryan Hamilton. Laughed and laughed. Very funny.

Finally, I went to the Library for the  last 45 minutes they were open. I finally got my certificates from England's General Registrar's Office scanned and ready to share!

Ready for another day, of my kind of fun!


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