E-Eyes, Hair, Signature, & other information

When researching it is always fun to find out more than just dry facts about a person.  Some of the wonderful places to find information include local newspapers, various employment records, and of course WWI draft registration cards.  Here is a sampling of the fun information I have found:

Hugh Roberts, son of Isaac Roberts
color of eyes: lt (light) brown

color of hair: Dark Brown
bald:  No
his signature:

James H. Roberts, son of Isaac Roberts
color of eyes:  Grey
color of hair:  brown

his signature:

John Richard Roberts (8), employment records:
Mine Name                     date of accident time off                compensated
No. 1 Roberts, John Sr. 11-27-20             1 mo 15 day        $133.33 + 69.00*

*loss of 1st joint of 1st finger amount to 2/3 of the loss of the finger

remarks: Frontier Saw Mill. 2nd finger of right hand cut off. Was amputated below 2nd joint. Caught his right hand in the saw while sawing cap pieces.


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