I am ready for. . .

a research trip!

  I love putting together a “research log” for my searches, making hotel reservations, learning where the records I will need are kept and planning my strategies. 
I love organizing and planning my research trips.

Upon my arrival, I am full of anticipation and hope.  I love gathering and collecting everything I can find.  I love crossing off my “to-do” list and completing items on my “research log”.  I delight in the evenings where I do a quick evaluation of my daily finds and add to my “to-do” list and “research log.”    I love to run across unusual finds and unique treasures.  

I love to walk where they walked, and look at the sights they looked at and breathe the air they breathed.  I love to make believe that they are there with me helping me research and learn about them and their history.  I almost feel like a time traveler on my research trips; I am here now, looking for those who were there then!

I love the return home to sort through my finds.  I love to analyze the documents I found.  I love to scour each source surmising assumptions for further searches and for piecing together my ancestor’s histories.   
I love sharing with family members and on my blog my finds and my treasures. 

I love research trips. . .and I am ready for one!


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