
All men cannot boast freedom, all men cannot boast love,
But every man, since Adam fell, can boast of one thing from above.
That thing most dear is heritage, they know the story well,
Take away man’s heritage, he is nothing but a shell.
Heritage is priceless, it means so much to me
And by reading many histories of those who used to be,
I realize the true values of life and liberty.
It is a broad horizon to look upon and say,
I love those dear pioneers who made possible this day,
I love them, and honor them, I proudly think of them and tell;
Take away man’s heritage, he is nothing but a shell.
--Anna Rae Williams Carter          

Carter, Kate B, complied by, Daughters of the Utah Pioneers, 1958, Lessons for May, 1958, page 524-525


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