New Year's Resolutions 2011...

Here are some easy and quick New Year's resolutions with regards to family history work:
  1. Get a box and throughout the year put all family information in the box.
  2. Keep and save all those family Christmas newsletters, baby anncoucements, wedding announcements, and obituaries in the box in #1.
  3. Get a spiral notebook.  At the top of the first page write down the year you were born.  On the following pages write down each year of your life; one page for each year.  Then add important things that happened in your life during the year it happened.  You only have to add a sentence for each event.  (For example the year you graduated from high school, write down "graduated from high school").  Then, at a later date, you can take that information and add it to a personal history or expand it with more detailed information.
  4. Sign into NewFamilySearch and make sure your information and your family information is correct (your parents and children information).
  5. Start a journal.
  6. Add an updated family group sheet to your journal.
  7. Do an interview with a relative
  8.  Join Facebook and "friend" all your family members--be sure to friend Roberts Roots and Branches Page for updates on this blog.  This social network is a great way to keep up with distant family members that you care about, but don't get to talk to often enough.
  9. Copy a treasured family picture or document and share it with your family members.
  10. Start a blog for your family to share information and pictures--add a link to this blog.
  11. If you didn't send out a family Christmas newsletter, write up a summary for 2010 for you to keep personally.  Similar to a snapshot of the year about your family.
  12. January is great month for organization.  Focus on one area of family history work; documents, histories, pictures, etc.  You don't have to get it all done in January, just set the goal and begin in January.
  13. Take your 2011 calendar and write in one family history goal or item to do for each month throughout the whole year.
  14. Scan your pictures and save on a disc or flash drive.  Give a copy to family members.
These are just some ideas.  Think up some of your own.  Doing something is something and a little something is better than nothing!


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