Some Cemetery Photographs

The following are some recaps and photographs of the visits to the cemeteries I took between August and December of 2021, while field researching for "Where Our Roots Rest, Vol. III".

Mountain View Cemetery in Salt Lake was stunning just as the seasons were changing.  It is a quaint little cemetery with beautiful views throughout the property.  Here are some of my pictures. . .

Before traveling to the Mountain View Memorial Cemetery, I called and asked the office if they could give me directions to a grave.  I was told to come into the office and they would be able to point me to the location of the grave.  When I got there, I was escorted to the gravesite in a golf cart!  Never have I ever had such luxury in locating a grave! I have searched in the rain, snow, wind, cold, heat, and I have walked up and down hundreds of rows  of headstones, so this was a real treat! 
This picture is stunning with all of the beautiful flowers in full bloom.  I did not need to do any editing or use any filters, the flowers were in full bloom.

Standing in the Mountain View Cemetery, this was the view of the mountain to the east.  Loved seeing all the autumn colors with the contrast of the deep evergreen pines.  The overcast day added to the mystery of the changing seasons.
I love the various concepts of how our servicemen are recognized, remembered, and celebrated at the different cemeteries I visit.  This is a magnificent tribute to our servicemen and women.

In November, I visited the Mesquite City Cemetery in Nevada.   Apparently there are two cemeteries in Mesquite, each on opposite sides of the freeway.  I don't know how I got so confused, but I did and it took me quite a while to locate the correct cemetery.  Interesting story, several times while traveling through Mesquite, I would stop by the nearby parking lot next to the park and this cemetery and I never even noticed there was a cemetery!!!  Luckily, the headstone I needed to locate was extremely easy to find, not so much the cemetery! 

I wish I would have gotten a better picture of the Veterans Memorial Park, next to the cemetery.


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