New Research Digs!

My main motive for moving to Rock Springs is to research, so while looking at new houses, it was the main focus;  where would my library and research room be located.  I have always been very concerned with water, so I have been hesitant to have my research room in a basement.  Here are the photographs of the transformation of the library:

Unfortunately, this was the only before picture I took!  Yes, the wall color is purple.  
It is pretty, just not for my library walls!

 The room is all painted and ready for carpet.  

The carpet was installed a couple of days after I finally got internet!
Notice the printer on the floor on the left hand side of the photograph.  
What do you do with one of your most valuable piece of equipment?  
I didn't pack it, I actually kept it with me as it was one of the last things to leave my old house, along with my laptop and monitors.  While I was between homes, the printer  and equipment stayed in the RV until it got too cold and then I moved the printer into my son's home.  The laptop, printer, and monitors were the first things moved into the new home.  The priceless heirlooms were also safely stored in the RV, as I felt things may get damaged in the storage unit by heat, cold, or water.  I was very blessed with this move as nothing got broken, nothing froze, and nothing was damaged!

The furniture finally arrives!  It all just barely fits!

The book shelves are filled with all of my history and research books.  The two large monitors are finally set up and the room is functioning nicely for my research.  The fresh paint and new carpet brightens up the room which is already bright and cheery.  The closet safely stores the priceless heirlooms and eventually, I will hang various framed documents and pictures.  

It is interesting to note that since I have visited and researched so much here in town, it doesn't really feel like I permanently live here.  Every now and again, as I drive through town, my heart screams, "I can't believe I live here!"  



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