Crash & Burn

We have all had that heart stopping moment when you realize your data has been lost!  Backing up data is not only an important part of the research process; it is an important part of the organization process.  Regularly backing up your data and sensibly storing that data requires some organization; because after all, what value is that backup file if you cannot locate it when and if you desperately need it!

From his article, Avoiding the Inevitable Crash, James Tanner writes, “Since hardware crashes are inevitable, from the moment you start investing time in entering and storing data, you have to plan for that inevitability.”  Tanner goes on to state, “Genealogists are particularly susceptible to this problem because they are always entering new data into their computer systems.” Finally Mr. Tanner states, “Even if you purchase a brand new system, you need to plan for the crash and back up your data.”  We have all had that moment when we realize our work has been lost and we frantically being searching for our backup!

When and how to back up your data is as individual as organizing your genealogical data, and as usual I would advise what works for you is best for your.  There are several different ways to organize your backup files and various ways to back up your data, and there is no “right” or “only” way.

For ways to back up your files and save those backups you can read Mr. Tanner’s article here or you can do an internet search.

Tanner, James, “Avoiding the Inevitable Crash”, Family, posted 7 August 2014


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