Margaret Roberts


Birthday & Let Me Introduce You!

Margaret Roberts(2) was born 6 October 1837 in Mostyn, Flintshire to Edward Roberts(482) and Letitia Jones(417).  Margaret married Hugh Roberts(1) on 26 November 1853 in Flintshire County, Wales.  (Yes, Margaret’s maiden and married surname are the same!  Which is not unusual in Wales where Roberts is as common as Smith in the United States!)  After the couple married they immigrated to County Durham, England, where Robert Owen Roberts(7) was born.  There years later, Hugh and Margaret had their son John Richard Roberts(8) in Staffordshire County where the family lived for the for over 20 years.  Margaret had 10 children (maybe 11 children, more on this complex research issue later) and immigrated to the US when she was 48 years old.  She was widowed by the time she was 52 years old, and then traveled out west to Wyoming at age 53.  By the time she was 55 years old she was settled in Rock Springs, Wyoming where she would live the rest of her life.  Margaret then married Samuel Caulton and she was 56 years old when she was widowed a second time.  Margaret spent her remaining days in Rock Springs, Wyoming, dying when she was 87 years old. Margaret is buried in the Rock Springs City Cemetery.


Please leave a comment if you have any stories or know anything about Margaret Roberts Caulton.


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