The New Frontier. .. .DNA

Recently, I had a very close friend ask me to help him with some genealogy to find his biological family.  He had recently done a DNA test on Ancestry and needed someone to assist with charting relationships.  It is a beautiful story and even now, months later, there are still questions and research to do.  He and his family were able to meet with his biological family and new relationships have developed. 

My daughter was interested in a particular family member on my husband's side.  She did as much research as she could and then asked me for help.  I helped as much as I could by conducting computer searches and reading through microfilms and the Family History Library.  Finally, we both had to admit we were at a dead end with the lack of documents available.  Fast forward two years later, and my daughter contacted me about this ancestor again believing she found a DNA match. 

Watching these two situations unfold through DNA and similar to watching man walk on the moon, DNA adds a new dimension to family history research. 

DNA is similar to having the answer and trying to figure out the question!

I am just barely beginning to understand how DNA fits into genealogy and family history. 

What DNA stories do you have?


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