Try, Try and Try Again

I was doing some research for someone and was having difficulty locating a census for a family.  I was finally able to locate the census using some creative search techniques in Ancestry, where I finally located the record.   I knew Family Search had the same record, but the surname had been indexed improperly.  After some creative searching in Family Search, I was finally able to find the census record.  As I examined the record I noticed the bottom of the census record looked much different in Ancestry as it did in Family Search. 

It is the exact same image on the two separate websites, but I am not sure why the images are so different.  Is the photography of the original image what caused the bottom portion to be unreadable?  Was it the original image was damaged and it was digitally correct by Family Search?  I am not sure what or why the image is clearer on Family Search. 
This is another lesson in why it is important to search different web sites for the same record—one website may have a clearer digital image!


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