Registration Open

Roots Tech 2014
February 12-14, 2014
Salt Lake City, Utah

They always have great keynote speakers, 
wonderful classes and
exceptional exhibits in the exhibition hall.

It is so fun to get to meet and be with "genealogy geeks" and "technology geeks" all at the same time.
There is nothing like being able to learn the newest and upcoming ideas and innovations in the genealogy and family history world!
Every year I have attended I have been re-energized in my own family history work,
learned some wonderful ideas for blogging,
and overall been uplifted and edified!

If you are just a wee bit interested, 
go you won't be disappointed!
from the RootsTech website:

"This inspiring family history and technology 

conference has something for everyone."

Roots Tech here for registration and for other information.


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