Fun Campaign

A “Meet My Grandma” campaign will be conducted Sept. 20-29 2014. At that time, Internet visitors may go online at to learn all about it.(1)

 “Our intention is for people to share a story that’s special about their grandmothers, share it on social media, share it with their family, with their kids, their siblings, their parents, their cousins. Because what makes family history come alive is the sharing of the stories and the legacy that we have because of our ancestors.”

“The main message is to think of one story about your grandma that’s special to you, and then share it,” he explained.”(1)

New questions will be posted daily(1) and it is a good way for individuals to share what they know about their grandmas.  Be sure to record what you learn or what you already know in your personal journal. 

(1)Lloyd, R. Scott, LDS Church News,” 'Meet my grandma' campaign invites stories from around the world”, Published online, 13 Sept 2014, at:


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