Thankful for Roberts Family long life expectancy:

Average Age of Death...


...for Hugh & Margaret and their children:

74.5 years

Hugh Roberts (1) age at death unknown*
Margaret Roberts (2) lived to be 87 years old
John Richard Roberts (8) lived to be 79 years old
Hugh Thomas Roberts (12) lived to be 84 years old
Sarah Ann Roberts (11) lived to be 84 years old
Letitia Roberts (9) lived to be 23 years old
Margaret Roberts (13) lived to be 7 years old+
Jane Roberts (15) lived to be 74 years old
Mary Elizabeth Roberts (14) lived to be 89 years old
Isaac Roberts (10) lived to be 76 years old
Robert Owen Roberts (7) age at death unknown*
=576 years old 
divided by 8
=74.5 years old

*did not calculate unknown ages
+did not calculate 7 year old Margaret because her death was the result of an accident


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