What is YOUR Wish?

*“What will our great great-grandchildren 
wish we would have done?” 
The best way to answer that question is to ask ourselves:

*“What do we wish our great-great grandparents 
would have done?”

The what, how, why and when:

  • What should I plan to leave my children and grandchildren? 
  • How is the best way to leave them something? 
  • Why should I leave them something? 
  • When should I leave it?

These questions can best be answered by looking at our great-great grandparents and what we have wanted and wished from them!

  • What should I plan to leave my children and grandchildren?  Here is my answer to Margaret & Hugh:  Something, anything!  I wish you would have left a journal, a collection of short essays, or a short family history about your ancestors and what you knew about them.  Pictures of yourself and group family photograph--with everyone in the photograph labeled of course!

  • How is the best way to leave them something?  Here is my answer to Margaret & Hugh:  Lots of copies.  Leave everyone a copy, because the more copies of an item the better chance it has of survival.

  • Why should I leave them something?   Here is my answer to Margaret & Hugh:  Because I want to know who you were and what you liked.  I want to learn about you and your life.  I want to know more about you than just stale dates and places.  You lived, your life matters to me, and I could have learned from you.

  • When should I leave it? Here is my answer to Margaret & Hugh: NOW, before it is too late!

 *(Source:  Dennis Brimhall Keynote, RootsTech 2013, Thursday, 21 March 2013)


  1. This might be a good challenge to submit for myself and my immediate family members. My mom has been doing a good job of keeping us accountable on submitting to a monthly family journal that she prints out at the end of every year for safe-keeping.


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