POP Culture 1890

Here is some interesting information to keep in mind while reading the October 2013 Roberts Roots & Branches Newsletter:
  • Photographer Jacob Riis publishes How the Other Half Lives, in 1890, documenting the horrible living conditions immigrants faced living in New York City's tenements.
  • Wyoming and Idaho are admitted as the 43rd and 44th states in July 1890.
  • Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky conducts the first performance at New York's Carnegie Hall on May 5, 1891.
  • The Ellis Island Immigration Station begins processing immigrants to the United States on January 1, 1892.
  • More than 25 million people visit the 1893 Chicago World Colombian Exposition between May 1 and October 30, 1893.
  • On September 20, 1893, the Duryea Brothers road-test the first-ever, American-made, gasoline-powered automobile in Springfield, Massachusetts.
  • On August 28, 1894, Congress passes the first graduated income tax. The U.S. Supreme Court declares the "direct tax" unconstitutional the following year.
  • Ex-slave and civil rights advocate Frederick Douglass dies on February 20, 1895.
  • The first U.S. Golf Open is held in Newport, RI, on October 4, 1895.
  • The last great North American "Gold Rush" begins on April 6, 1896 when gold is discovered in the Yukon District of Canada.
  • William McKinley is inaugurated as the 25th President of the United States on March 4, 1897.
  • The battleship USS Maine explodes in Havana, Cuba's harbor on February 15, 1898.
  • Fighting erupts between the United States and Philippine revolutionary forces on February 4, 1899. The "Philippine Insurrection" would officially end on July 4, 1902.
  • The United States annexes Hawaii on July 7, 1898.
1890 Fast Facts, US Census Bureau:  http://www.census.gov/history/www/through_the_decades/fast_facts/1890_fast_facts.html


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