England Websites

Here are some more websites for England, including, Hanley and Staffordshire:

Genuki-Staffordshire, England

The Potteries:

Staffordshire History:

Wiki-Stoke Upon Trent:

Another fun thing to do is google:  Staffordshire, Pottery images.

Archives, Family History
http://www.staffsnameindexes.org.uk/ Staffordshire Name Indexes

Staffordshire Archaeological and Historical Society

This has several articles about coal miners and problems:  Coal Mining North Staffordshire:  http://northstaffsminers.btck.co.uk/NorthStaffsMiningStories

National Coal Mining Museum for England:  http://www.ncm.org.uk/
World Guides:  Timeline and history facts for Stoke upon trent:  http://www.world-guides.com/europe/england/staffordshire/stoke-on-trent/stoke_on_trent_history.html

BBC Coalmining in England:  http://www.bbc.co.uk/archive/mining/
http://www.cmhrc.co.uk/site/home/index.html UK Coal Mining History Resource Centre

Staffordshire & Stoke on Trent  Archive Service, guide to sources, No. 6 Colliery Records http://www.staffordshire.gov.uk/Resources/Documents/c/CollieryRecords23Oct2007.pdf


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