
After the fire scare a couple of weeks ago I have been very busy with "life" stuff.  I haven't done too much research or other family history work.

Sometimes you just have to jump back into life and interact with the living!  I have been busy with my children and grandchildren.

Last week was my in-laws family reunion down at Yuba Lake.  I was watching my grandchildren play with their second cousins--laughing, pretending and playing.  It seemed like only yesterday my children were playing with their own cousins doing the exact same thing.  I then realized that the 2nd cousin relationship is not really that distant!  As I looked at these sweet children, I was saddened that our family never has had this type of closeness so that second cousins knew each other and grew up with each other.

Just as the sadness filled me I realized that the opportunity I have had to research the Roberts family has given me intimate details into their/your personal lives.  Maybe I didn't get the chance to "play" at reunions with you/them, but I have had the opportunity to learn about you/them and your lives AND I have had the opportunity to reach out to each of you either in person, through snail mail or email or by phone.  I treasure these relationships and I treasure our Roberts family.

This is my hope, that each of you will come to a love and an understanding of this family.  Because after all, second cousins are not that distant!

Have a great day and reach out!


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