Kudos for Indexing

If you are looking for a way to be productive and do some family history work, sign up for indexing.  It is so rewarding and I know from research experience how helpful and valuable it is.  It allows indexers a way to be involved in genealogy without the time commitments and knowledge of researching.  I cannot stress how valuable it is to researchers.

I look at it this way; researching is like fishing.  You select a body of water, or database, and throw in your line hoping to get a bite, or locate needed information.
Indexing on the other hand, is like stocking the lake with fish.  Indexers add the identifying information to the database, or fill the pond with fish. 

Both fishing and stocking with fish are important parts of family history.

Got a few extra minutes, go sign up.  See the previous blog post about signing up.


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