The Family History Library

What a wonderful and beautiful experience it is to serve a mission at the Family History Library. Let me share a little of what it has been like and what I have learned.

The first week was training at the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It is located just east of the the Salt Lake Temple, on Temple Square in downtown Salt Lake City, Utah. My first test was trying to find what room to be in at what time. It was like the first day of high school all over again! My second test was timing rush hour traffic in the mornings!

The first week in training we worked on our own personal family history and researched with our own trainer. The trainers took us from our own individual level of research and taught us from there. The second and third weeks, were on our own, then we followed with three more weeks of full-time classes. These classes covered the whole experience of genealogy from basic computer skills to research strategies.

What did I learn? I learned--I know allot about researching and I don't know allot about researching. The training has filled in holes of my researching skills, and has sharpened what I do know.

I look forward to sharing what I have learned with all of the readers, and I look forward to using the skills I have learned to continue my research for Roberts family members. I am working two days a week at the library, Thursday's from 8 to 4 and on Saturday's 8 to 12. If you are planning a trip to the library, come find me and say hello, or we can make arrangements and I can come up another day and we can research. . .


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