Document Project


I am continuing my latest project, auditing my sources and documents. What a project of opposites! I have loved looking over my original documents and evaluating the evidence, however, what an overwhelming lofty goal! Every source that I "properly" and uniformly source brings great joy of uniformity and professionalism. I am very grateful for the tiny, albeit crazy voice in my head and from my WWCC English 1010 professor, about citing sources. For every source and document I have, I recorded all the information needed for a properly cited source. Forever grateful for that foundation I laid in the beginning of my research. 

Big shout out to Roots Magic for their wonderful and useful sources and citation available in their software program.  I took the time to watch the online video about sources and citations.  It was extremely helpful and has enabled me to understand the proper way to utilize their citation features. 

I am reminded of the week I took off from research and organized all of my documents.  I wanted to research, but realized early in my genealogy what value is a document or source if you cannot locate it when you need it.  The Family History Library offered a class on organization and I modeled my organization after the class suggestions.  I have never regretted that huge amount of time spend organizing and I keep reminding myself of the reward for this project; locating any document and source in a matter of seconds.

Several years ago, I took all of my documents, two laptops, and two scanners and set them up at my daughter’s home.  My daughter and grandchildren helped me scan all of the documents I obtained before the invention of digital copies.  That was a big project too!

As, I keep my eye on the goal and end product, I persevere...and look forward to writing again... 


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