What Drove Them?


 The Same Thing That Drives Us!!!

 Love and money are the great motivators and directors of our lives.  Finding love and romance drives us to search for our lifelong companions.  Dating, courting and courtship are the driving forces of young adults. 

 After the first search is completed, our second search begins; money--to support that love and the offspring that come from that love!  We need money to feed, clothe and house our families.  Money comes from work; occupations that will give our family the sustaining substance that is required to survive. 

 Love of our family unit is not limited to our own family but also our parents and siblings.  Where they live influences our decisions on where to locate; we want to be close to those we love. 

Love of God and our belief and faith also drive us.  We usually worship as we were taught as children, and as our families worshiped.   Catastrophic life events generally lead people back to their roots and beliefs.

 What drives us today is what drove our ancestors.  They wanted what we want:  love, joy and happiness.  And to have love, joy and happiness, you have to find love and make money to support it!


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