It is research, not cereal!

Lucky Charms cereal---

“They're Magically Delicious!”

image source here

Unlike family history research—
information doesn’t “magically appear!”

Realistically, research means to SEARCH and then SEARCH again and again and again.  Or in other words, RE-SEARCH.  Family history research does not end and will never be completed.  You search one data base several times throughout many time periods, because data bases are continually being updated and “new” documents and information is being added every day.

Realistically, you cannot just search online databases.  You must search through books, microfilms, indexes, and in libraries, historical societies, churches, and courthouses.  Names don’t “magically appear” just where you have access or where you want to look!

Finally, at one point you MUST pay for a certificate; not everything in research is free.  There comes a time in research that you are going to have to pay for a certificate, or subscription, an entrance fee, or a research fee.  If you haven’t yet, lucky you!  But, those documents don’t “magically appear” for free!

So, next time you are frustrated, is it because you want “magically” to find missing information?


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