
Okay, so I haven't posted for awhile, but that does not mean I haven't been busy, because I have, that is why I  haven't posted!

I attended the first ever RootsTech in Salt Lake City--it was a blast.  I attended with my Dad and it was very enjoyable.  I learned allot and I was exposed to some technology that I surprisingly found interesting and fascinating.  Who knew!

I am still trying to locate that "smoking gun" that proves Hugh & Margaret's marriage certificate.  I have not found what I am looking for, but that is not necessarily a bad thing--all signs and extensive research points to the fact that I have the correct certificate.

I have found it so much fun to order certificates from the GRO that I have ordered another four certificates.  Which means I have found some pretty interesting causes of death, and I have certificates for people that aren't related!

And I took week and went to Las Vegas.  What does genealogy have to do with Las Vegas, well it does.  William Meacham(51), or "Billy" as he liked to be called used to live in Henderson, Nevada.  Whenever I took a trip to Vegas, I would go and visit Billy and he would tell me stories, share photographs and memories of the Roberts family.  Billy died in 2008 and now when I go down to Las Vegas there's a sad part that really misses our visits.  RIP Billy, I miss you.


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