Thank You. . .

Thank you to everyone who commented on or emailed me about July's Newsletter. . .
I appreciate hearing from you and knowing what I am doing is interesting, fascinating, and important to others.

I spent hours on Monday cleaning up my files, adding information from my research, and entering information on NewFamilySearch.

Not allot of time spent on the direct Roberts line, however, I have found some information on the family of Margaret(2) Roberts' second husband Sam Caulton's family.

Even though the Caulton's are not directly related, they were still people who crossed paths with our family while they lived. And, I have learned that sometimes researching down an indirect road will lead you in a round about way directly back to your family.

Today, there will be more cleaning up and sourcing my PAF program, and organizing my research finds. Happy family history work. . .


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