
Showing posts from 2009

Journal Challange #4

Sunday #4: Reflection of the years gone by, how has the meaning of Christmas changed for you? Do you feel more religious about the holiday, do you like or dislike the shopping, has your anticipation changed?

Journal Challenge

Sunday #3: What was your most memorable Christmas gift that you gave and that you received? How much did it cost, who was it from, and did you ask for it? Who did you give it to, did they ask for it and what made it the best to give?

Thousands of South Lincoln headstones online

Selina Parker Roberts(162) wife of John Richard Roberts(8) daughter in law of Hugh Roberts(1) & Margaret Roberts(2) As of Monday, there were 2,747 images of south Lincoln County headstones online at The photos are the painstaking work of north Lincoln County resident Ed Lisota, along with his wife Mary Lisota and former area resident Kent Lindberg. Lisota said that the South Lincoln photos are only a fraction of what he’s put online for the Star Valley Historical Society. “We’ve only just touched the surface,” he said. He calls the online historical work both “his retirement project” and “his baby.” Lindberg and the Lisotas took several trips south to walk the Viola-LaBarge, Kemmerer, Ham’s Fork, Diamondville and Beaver cemeteries, he said. The site is sponsored by the Lincoln County Historical Society. So far, Lisota says he’s only charged them the $25 for the website domain name. For Lisota, the thousands of pictures are just a start. “There’re ...

Alex Haley quote

"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage - to know who we are and where we have come from . Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum. An emptiness . And the most disquieting loneliness." -- Alex Haley

Journal Challenge

December 13, 2009 Take out a pen and paper and write... Sunday #2: What was your favorite holiday sweet when you were growing up? What is your favorite holiday sweet now? Was it homemade, who made it, and did you ever eat so much of it that you got sick?

Wyoming Cemetery Project

Dear Family & Readers, A couple of months ago I drove up to Rock Springs for a mini family history trip. It was a short trip that was not very well planned out or prepared. However, it gave me an opportunity to remind myself of what I love and what my passion is---research in the cemeteries, micro-film, and county records... The fun of it...Makes me giddy just to think of it. Anyway, I decided to collect and gather all of my cemetery records into one place, a book about the Roberts family members buried in Wyoming. I currently have allot of information, but if you have any information about the cemeteries in Wyoming where our Roberts' family members are buried please share. I am hoping to have the book complete by the spring, but that may be too ambitious. Most fascinating these past few weeks I have been working on the symbols used on headstones and in cemeteries. I have found this most interesting and amusing. Here are a few links you might find interesting: ...

Journaling Challenge

Every Sunday in December take out a pen & paper and write: December 6, 2009 Sunday #1: Write about your Christmas trees as you were growing up. Did you have a real tree or artificial tree? Did you go as a family to cut it down, like in the movies? When did you decorate the tree?

All I Want For Christmas Is A New Surname

Dear Santa, Don't bring me new dishes, I don't need a new kind of game. Genealogists have peculiar wishes For Christmas I just want a surname. A new washing machine would be great, But it's not the desire of my life. I've just found an ancestor's birth date; What I need now is the name of his wife. My heart doesn't yearn for a ring That would put a real diamond to shame. What I want is a much cheaper thing; Please give me Mary's last name. To see my heart singing with joy, Don't bring me a read leather suitcase, Bring me a genealogist's toy; a surname with dates and a place. (author unknown) (seen in Illinois State Gen Soc newsletter 1984)


1. The public ceremony in which your distinguished ancestor participated and at which the platform collapsed under him turned out to be a hanging. 2. When at last after much hard work you have evolved the mystery that you have been working on for two years, your aunt says, "I could have told you that." 3. You search ten years for your grandmother's maiden name to eventually find it on a letter in a box in the attic. 4. You never asked your father about his family when he was alive because you weren't interested in genealogy then. 5. The will you need is in the safe on board the Titanic. 6. Copies of old newspapers have holes occurring only on the surnames. 7. John, son of Thomas the immigrant whom your relatives claim as the family progenitor, died on board ship at the age of 10. 8. Your great grandfather's newspaper obituary states that he died leaving no issue of record. 9. Another genealogist has just insulted the keeper of the vital records you need. 10....

A Few Thoughts. . .

Genealogy without documentation is mythology... Genealogy--where you confuse the dead & irritate the living...

Family Search Statistics:

From Launch date 24 May 1999 • Number of names in searchable databases Over 1 billion • Number of hits since launch Over 15 billion • Number of visitors since launch Over 150 million • Number of pages viewed since launch Over 5 billion • Number of hits per day Over 10 million • Number of visitors per day Over 50,000 • Number of pages viewed per day Over 1 million • ...


At the Blog: We Tree you can Jump Start Your Genealogy with 52 ideas for 52 weeks of research, writing, and general family history work. Go see what's there...


"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage - to know who we are and where we have come from . Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum. An emptiness . And the most disquieting loneliness." -- Alex Haley


Ideas I found a great blog site that gives ideas on weekly projects to do. Some of the projects include: Preserve a Romantic Family Story, (6 Feb 2009) Google a Person, Place or Thing (23 Jan 2009) Print and Save Holiday Photographs (11 Jan 2009) Send Family History with Holiday Greetings (14 Dec 2008) Along with the weekly ideas is a brief description of the idea. What a wonderful way to begin, jump start, or expand on what you are already doing. My challenge, go to this site and begin doing something either from the suggestions given, or from your own ideas. Doing something is a foot forward...Good luck, Janet 24/7 Family History Blog: (click on the link below)

Do Something...

“In the work of redeeming the dead there are many tasks to be performed, and … all members should participate by prayerfully selecting those ways that fit their personal circumstances at a particular time. … Our effort is not to compel everyone to do everything, but to encourage everyone to do something” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve, “Family History: ‘In Wisdom and Order,’ ” Ensign, June 1989, 6).

Something to Ponder

“Not one of my children has any recollection of my grandparents. If I want my children and grandchildren to know those who still live in my memory , then I must build the bridge between them. I alone am the link to the generations that stand on either side of me. It is my responsibility to knit their hearts together through love and respect, even though they may never have known each other personally. My grandchildren will have no knowledge of their family’s history if I do nothing to preserve it for them. That which I do not in some way record will be lost at my death , and that which I do not pass on to my posterity, they will never have . The work of gathering and sharing eternal family keepsakes is a personal responsibility . It cannot be passed off or given to another” (Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander of the Seventy, Conference Report, Apr. 1999, 109; or Ensign, May 1999, 83–84).

Any Problems?

Has anyone had any problems copying pictures from the blog? Let me know and we can work it out.

Please Be Patient...

Sorry I haven't posted any pictures or anything lately, I have been very sick with kidney stones-yuck! Now I have to catch up on regular life, then I will be back working on keeping up this blog. Hope everyone enjoyed the newsletter. Sorry for the editing & spelling mistakes. I try to read & re-read & re-read again, but I can only do so much and need a fresh pair of eyes to help me. Well with this last newsletter I drove my sister nuts with the errors and she has agreed to edit it for me. Thanks sis.


Looking for ideas , family informatio n , histories , pictures , letters, documents , family group sheets , newspaper clippings , etc. Please help out and forward any family history to me. Thank you Janet

Isaac Roberts(10) family


Just a thought...

"Some family trees have beautiful leaves, and some have just a bunch of nuts. Remember it is the nuts that make the tree worth shaking." -unknown

Hugh Ambrose(169) Roberts & family

Vivian(349), Albert(200), Mary(176), James(199) & Hugh Ambrose(169) Hugh Ambrose Roberts son of John Richard Roberts(8) & Selina Parker(162) grandson of Hugh(1) Roberts & Margaret(2) Roberts Albert(200), Mary Agnes Kulinsky(176) & James(199) Mary(176), Hugh Ambrose(169) holding Albert(200) Hugh & Mary were married 2 March 1919

Jeanette(171) Roberts Phillip & family

Clifford(201) & Jeanette(171) Jeanette(171) daughter of John Richard Roberts(8) & Selina Parker(162) grand daughter of Hugh(1) Roberts & Margaret(2) Roberts the Phillip family Jeanette(171) holding Clifford(288), Thelma(287) middle, & Clifford(201) holding June(171) the Phillip family back: June(171), Clifford(288), & Thelma(287) front: Jeanette(171) & Clifford(201)

John James Buxton(31)

John James Buxton(31) husband of Jennie Roberts (30) married 19 March 1918 son in law of Isaac Roberts (10) & Janet Howie (16) grand son in law of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2) The following is taken from the Wyoming Game Wardens Association Website @ On September 14, 1919, Rock Springs Deputy Game Warden John Buxton received a report of some shooting north of Rock Springs. He responded to the call, accompanied by his pregnant wife. At the scene, Warden Buxton located two subjects who were identified as Joe Omeye and John Kolman. Warden Buxton advised Mr. Omeye that hunting season was over and took his rifle away from him. As John Buxton returned to his vehicle, suspect Omeye yelled at him. As Buxton turned to face him, Omeye shot the warden in the stomach with a handgun that he had concealed under his coat. Warden Buxton staggered to his car, calling for his wife to bring him his gun. Omeye then shot at Mrs. Buxton, lucki...

William Henry "Billy" Meacham(51)

William Henry "Billy" Meacham(51) son of Letitia Roberts(35) & Reuben Meacham(36) grandson of Isaac Roberts(10) & Janet Howie(16) great grandson of Hugh Roberts(1) & Margaret Roberts(2) One of Billy's famous sayings was, "My claim to fame..." So, what is Billy's claim to fame? Was it his Edsel, his colorful stories about his life and the Roberts family, or his generosity to share Roberts family history and heirlooms with others? Was his "claim to fame" his service in the Navy, his family, or his love for his wife Ella Mae? Was his "claim" growing up in Rock Springs, and living with and close to Grandpa & Grandma Roberts (Isaac(10) & Janet(16)) What is Billy's claim to fame? The following is the information about the Edsel Billy owned, followed by a web link to that information (one of his "claims to fame"): Edsel Vin W*EH700609 Dataplate specifications Ranger, 4-door hardtop, Snow White with Royal B...

Edward "Ted" Roberts(173)

Stella Smith(184), son Edward Roberts(187) & Edward "Ted" Roberts(184) Edward "Ted" Roberts son of John Richard Roberts(8) & Selina Parker(162) grandson of Hugh Roberts(1) & Margaret Roberts(2) Stella Smith(184), grandson Douglas, & Edward "Ted" Roberts(184) Stella & Ted were married 5 Sept 1926

Hugh "Chappie" Roberts (26)

Hugh "Chappie" Roberts (26) & Fay Susan Jacobson (27) married 1 June 1917 Hugh "Chappie" Roberts (26) son of Isaac Roberts (10) & Janet Howie(16) grand son of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2)

Jane Roberts (15)

Jane Roberts (15) daughter of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2)

Letitia "Lettie" Roberts (35)

Lettie Roberts (35) daughter of Isaac Roberts (10) & Janet Howie (16) grand daughter of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2) Reuben Meacham (36) & Letitia Roberts (35) married 19 May 1934

Jennie Roberts (30)

John Buxton (31) &Jennie Roberts (30) married 19 March 1918 daughter of Isaac Roberts (10) & Janet Howie (16) grand daughter of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2)


PLEASE , please , please , if you visit this blog leave me a message under the comment. Just click on the comment button at the bottom of the post. I just want to know that someone out there is browsing this blog so that it is worth it to keep it updated and to keep making posts.

Newsletter Update

October 2009 newsletter it's coming..... and almost done.....

Cemetery Guide--A Request for Help

Cemetery Guide for the Roberts family in Wyoming I'm working on a cemetery book of the Roberts family buried in Wyoming. Including those family that are buried in Rock Springs (the city cemetery & Rest Haven cemetery), Kemmerer, Diamondville, and Green River. If you have any information about the history of these cemeteries or any other fascinating or interesting information please contact me. I have a few items of interest and a few stories, however help me make it more interesting by adding your memories and stories. For example, does anyone remember how the Rock Springs City Cemetery used to look like before the grass? Thanks, Janet

James H. Roberts (24)

James H. Roberts (24) son of Isaac Roberts (10) & Janet Howie (16) grand son of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2)

Isaac Roberts (10)

Isaac Roberts (10) son of Hugh Roberts (1) & Margaret Roberts (2)

Margaret Roberts-2


Open House/Reunion

A great big thank you to everyone who came to the family reunion. I appreciate your sharing your time, photographs, and stories. It was wonderful to see everyone. I also received several phone calls, e-mails, and notes from those who were unable to attend. Thank you everyone for supporting me and my passion. I felt like it was a great success, and maybe I'll do it again. Happy researching...

Open House & Family History Reunion

You are invited to attend a family “history” reunion/open house: Saturday, August 8, 2009 12:00 noon until 4:00 pm at the home of Janet Roberts Lott 3538 South Sharp Shinned Trail Saratoga Springs, Utah 84045 801-616-3889 Janet Roberts Lott Email me, leave a comment, or call and I will send you driving directions

Roberts Reunion

Descendants of Hugh Roberts & Margaret Roberts are invited Saturday, 8 August 2009 to a family get together to: acquaint and re-acquaint with each other exchange photographs, histories, etc. see and share family heirlooms see and share family photographs a special research meeting will be held for those interested The Roberts Reunion will be held in Saratoga Springs, Utah... Mark your calendars... and keep your eyes open for further information...

Let us Know

If you or your family has a blog or website, let us know. I will be more than happy to link to your blog or website, so that we all can share information about you and your family. Wouldn't it be fun to see your cousins photographs? Let this blog be that link. Janet (62)

Getting Started & Setting Up

Welcome to everyone. I am very excited to begin anew the Roberts Roots & Branches, newsletter and blog. I am hoping that the blog will allow me to share pictures and information with family members easier and more conveniently. I am also hoping that it will enable others to catch the vision of family history work and begin to learn from whence they came. More later, Janet