
Showing posts from November, 2014

Quote: Journaling

“Many people wonder what their great-grandparents were like, and our children will probably wonder the same about us. The peace and pleasure that descendants can find in discovering what their ancestors loved and hated, what their trials and triumphs were and how they faced challenges can only be found if a journal is kept. Birth and death dates may be easily found, but we can only imagine the grief that our ancestors felt when a child died or the happiness when someone married or a new baby came into their lives. It’s never too late to start keeping a journal. Just a couple of sentences every few days would give your descendants a picture of yourself they wouldn’t otherwise have…” --- LDS Church News, "Keep a Journal"  published online 13 September 2014 at:  

Today is. . .

The (unofficial) Day of Listening. After your turkey dinner, I hope you had a chance to visit with family, share stories, and then record the stories and your thoughts!

Happy Thanksgiving

Source:Kemmerer Republican published 19 Nov 1915 pg 1, accessed online at Wyoming Newspaper Project.

Happy Anniversary

Hugh(1) and Margaret(2) married in 1853


Ask a question. . .then; listen quietly, uninterrupted, let the words flow through you as the story teller remembers days of long ago in a time now long forgotten.  Let the emotion engulf the room as the words create the picture of days gone by. Listen, quietly, uninterrupted, as the story teller wanders down the dusty road of yesterday with flashes of people loved, but now gone. The day after Thanksgiving is the  unofficial National Day of Listening. Plan to set aside time to listen to family stories and to record those stories;  and then listen quietly, uninterrupted.

Janet's Research Tip #44

READ the front of each book  to LEARN what the abbreviations mean.

Sarah Ann Roberts(11)

Happy Birthday to Sarah Ann Roberts married Joseph Jones

Quote: Journaling

“After four hundred years of intensive research into the life and works of William Shakespeare, we know almost nothing about the personal life of the most famous writer in the history of the English language. Only about a hundred documents related to William Shakespeare and his immediate family have been found: baptismal records, property deeds, marriage bonds, tax certificates, and court records — nothing about him personally.” --- LDS Church News, "Keep a Journal"  published online 13 September 2014 at:  

Walking Where They Walked-City Ordinances

Here is an interesting article dated April 1892, by this time the Roberts family were living in Rock Springs, Wyoming.  "Be it ordained by the Town Council of Rock Springs, Section 1.   It shall be unlawful for any person to draw water from, to open, or to close, or to do anything with or about any fire hydrant in the Town of Rock Springs, unless authorized so to do under the authority of the officials of said Town or of the Water Works Company, and any one ( sic ) convicted of so doing shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Fifty dollars. Sec. 2, It shall be unlawful for any person to put any substance of thing into, or to hitch or fasten any horse or other animal to, or to tamper or meddle in any way with, or to wilfully ( sic ) injure or deface in any manner whatsoever, any fire hydrant in the town of Rock Springs, and any person convicted of so doing shall be fined in a sum not to exceed Fifty Dollars. Sec. 3, This ordinance shall be in force and take effect from