
Showing posts from November, 2009

A Few Thoughts. . .

Genealogy without documentation is mythology... Genealogy--where you confuse the dead & irritate the living...

Family Search Statistics:

From Launch date 24 May 1999 • Number of names in searchable databases Over 1 billion • Number of hits since launch Over 15 billion • Number of visitors since launch Over 150 million • Number of pages viewed since launch Over 5 billion • Number of hits per day Over 10 million • Number of visitors per day Over 50,000 • Number of pages viewed per day Over 1 million •


At the Blog: We Tree you can Jump Start Your Genealogy with 52 ideas for 52 weeks of research, writing, and general family history work. Go see what's there...


"In all of us there is a hunger, marrow-deep, to know our heritage - to know who we are and where we have come from . Without this enriching knowledge, there is a hollow yearning. No matter what our attainments in life, there is still a vacuum. An emptiness . And the most disquieting loneliness." -- Alex Haley


Ideas I found a great blog site that gives ideas on weekly projects to do. Some of the projects include: Preserve a Romantic Family Story, (6 Feb 2009) Google a Person, Place or Thing (23 Jan 2009) Print and Save Holiday Photographs (11 Jan 2009) Send Family History with Holiday Greetings (14 Dec 2008) Along with the weekly ideas is a brief description of the idea. What a wonderful way to begin, jump start, or expand on what you are already doing. My challenge, go to this site and begin doing something either from the suggestions given, or from your own ideas. Doing something is a foot forward...Good luck, Janet 24/7 Family History Blog: (click on the link below)

Do Something...

“In the work of redeeming the dead there are many tasks to be performed, and … all members should participate by prayerfully selecting those ways that fit their personal circumstances at a particular time. … Our effort is not to compel everyone to do everything, but to encourage everyone to do something” (Elder Dallin H. Oaks of the Quorum of the Twelve, “Family History: ‘In Wisdom and Order,’ ” Ensign, June 1989, 6).

Something to Ponder

“Not one of my children has any recollection of my grandparents. If I want my children and grandchildren to know those who still live in my memory , then I must build the bridge between them. I alone am the link to the generations that stand on either side of me. It is my responsibility to knit their hearts together through love and respect, even though they may never have known each other personally. My grandchildren will have no knowledge of their family’s history if I do nothing to preserve it for them. That which I do not in some way record will be lost at my death , and that which I do not pass on to my posterity, they will never have . The work of gathering and sharing eternal family keepsakes is a personal responsibility . It cannot be passed off or given to another” (Elder Dennis B. Neuenschwander of the Seventy, Conference Report, Apr. 1999, 109; or Ensign, May 1999, 83–84).

Any Problems?

Has anyone had any problems copying pictures from the blog? Let me know and we can work it out.

Please Be Patient...

Sorry I haven't posted any pictures or anything lately, I have been very sick with kidney stones-yuck! Now I have to catch up on regular life, then I will be back working on keeping up this blog. Hope everyone enjoyed the newsletter. Sorry for the editing & spelling mistakes. I try to read & re-read & re-read again, but I can only do so much and need a fresh pair of eyes to help me. Well with this last newsletter I drove my sister nuts with the errors and she has agreed to edit it for me. Thanks sis.